8 Nisan 2016 Cuma

About the project

         In this project I learned many things. I learned new words and their English meaning. Helped me a lot. A tutorial homework . I became more knowledgeable about proverbs and idioms. I didn't know what you mean by phrasal verbs. But now I know. I learned the meaning of them in English. I didn't know the meanings of some. In this way, I learned in a complete way. Increased my knowledge on this subject.

Grow Up

          Grow. Thrive. Be mature. Be adult. Time passed and grow up. We'll be more informed as it grows. For example : When Jack grows up he wants to be a doctor.

Hang In

          To be positive. Look at the good side of bad things. Always stay positive. Believe that everything will turn out fine. Bad things to endure.

Hold On

             To be patient. Wait for a while. Wait for an event to occur. Wait patiently. Pass the time. Wait to get the desired thing. Short or long wait.

Keep Out

           Avoid getting a person and something into a place. Keep people out of somewhere. Keep people out from home. Is to stay away.Not being able to get close.

Log In

           Introduction. Give information entering a place on the computer. Session. Connect. For example : I can't log in to Facebook.

Pass out

         Fainting. Lose consciousness. Pass the self. Passed out and slumped to the ground. For example : Some of the football players passed out from the heat.

Sleep Over

         Stay in someone else's house stay at the night. As a guest , stay at home that night. A friend from out of town slept over last night.

Work Out

           To be successful. Work in class or at work be successful. By working people can succeed. Be diligent. To fulfill the responsibilities and be successful .

Wear off

      Slowly the influence is reduced. The disappearance.The effects of have none. Slowly disappear. I don't anymore .Extinction. The drug wore off.

Run Into

        Meet by chance. Meet up. Unexpectedly meet.A person come out at the most unexpected time. Meet in an unplanned way.  For example : I ran into an old friends at the mall. 

Make Up

    Fitting. Gather bring. Create Create something together. Something on your mind make up. A lie or concoct a story.For example : She knew she was in trouble, so she made up a story about going to the movies with her friends.

Look Into

       Examine. İnvestigate. Very good review of a thing or a person. Look from top to bottom. Example : I'll have to look into that matter.

Hang On

        Fasten from below with support from above. Suspend. Hang it. Drape . Keeping above.

Get Up

       In the upright position. Straighten up. Waking out of bed to leave. Remove. Upgrade. Get out of bed.

Get Away

        To leave a place. You go a way. Run away someone. The desire to escape from everyone. For example : We walked to the next beach to get away from the crowds.

Fall Down

         Fall on the ground . That means a person or a objects fall on the ground. Against gravity couldn't make it. Hit the ground. Be over thrown. For example : Our apple tree fell down in the storm.

Burn Down

         The damage by fire of a structure. The destruction of a structure. The emergence of ashes. The barn burned down. There was a fire , and the old factory was burned down.

Break Out

         The sudden emergence of a hidden or unwelcome situation . Everyone learns of the secret event. Are not welcome.

Take after

           He or she look like their family member. Capabilities and physical properties analogy people in the family.

Think Back


         Think again . To remember. Old memories to remember. To think past. For example : When I think back on my youth , I wish had studied harder.

7 Nisan 2016 Perşembe

Swim Against The Current

         Stick to one's guns. Someone's advise about something. But you don't listen to it. You are doing whatever you want.

         There was a man. He was doing whatever he want. He doesn't anything. The other's say. They say to him. Don't do like this. Otherwise you will damaged. But he didn't listen to them. As the time goes by , he went bankrupt. So he came to harm but it's no use crying over spilt milk.

Spill The Beans

       Someone can't hide the secret. It is reval secret. People wants to share their secrets. Usually it would be their best person. Soemtimes this person is share secret with the other person. So we use this idiom that persons. Is used for people who can't keep a secret.

A Turkey Shoot

         Very certain. The result almost certain. It is used for things that are easy to achieve. They can be easily reached. For example : He think a turkey shoot about me but he's wrong.

Soft Hearted

        Very sensitive. When its happening something. Someone immediately is influenced about this event. And cry. It's upset. Even if the others has this event.

Breathe Fire

        To be very angry. Heavy words you use.If someone are breathe fire. It probably very angry of it. Nervous and angry. When someone is breathe fire. It can't controling it self. And it can hurt someone.Someone could have done something going to be pissed.This statement is used in this case to the other person.


        Very miss. Someone. That's mean you missed someone so much. You can't put up with it. Want to see him. Yearn in an extreme way. We are use in someone miss. Its love , miss relative , miss soldier. Usually while waiting for the soldier path is used.



        Hesitant. Someone like it today and someone like that tomorrow. So in a issue , you really want to it but later you don't want to so much.To give up.

Hıt The Panıc Button

       Very flurry , get excited. Very excited about a issue. Get too       excited. Flurry For example :  when he learn his exam tomorrow.     He hit the panic button. When an earthquake hit the panic button.