7 Nisan 2016 Perşembe

Lose Favor

          Come to light superior one of it self. It lose favor. It lost value and dignity. As psychologically person is in the cart. Person has disappointment. It is broken one's. New things usually more attract attention than the olds. Or for example if we think that is goods new things more frequent use than the olds. In this situation the old lose favor. But it doen't mean old hasn't important.

          Lose favor has a different meaning in ottoman ampire. Ahi community interesting took precaution for faulty goods , preclude of poor quality in ottoman period. If you get shoe from artisan and you have repaired it and if your shoes faulty. If shoes owner right about it. This money paid back to shoes owner. Everybody threw the shoes due to artisan's crime. So public are know how artisan is. So lose favor of artisan lose own customers.

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