5 Nisan 2016 Salı

Two Heads Are Better Than One


   Sometimes people can't overcome some problems. When we are alone we can't do somethings. So we need to people help. If we are do something together. It will be easily for our life. Of course we can not do our jobs sometimes. Especially ıf our jobs are weighty at that time we need to another people.

       When person do its job alone. It takes a long time and it is tired. If person do its job with someone. It takes a short time. And it is not tired. People help each other. So it can be easier. We can't carry alone the refrigerator. We need someone. But if someone help us we can finished easily our job. Help each other is very important in Turkish society. So we always help each other. It seems more in neighbourhood and fellow townsman.

        Our ancestors are teach us. How people help each other. Togetherness is important. For example ; A student is not good about math but he is good about history lesson. At this situation he help his friend about history and his friend help him about math. So they can get good result. Help is important in people communication. This provide is people communication go on.

       We are thinking about people help us and we never forget it and we are feel in debt. When we don't know about something. Someone can know about it . It can help us. So help each other is important an make easier our life.

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